Who is Yeshua Fin?
After spending much of my life supressing my musical and creative interests, I finally decided to break free from a mind-set that had been forced upon me from a line of generational trauma that focused on materialism, perfectionism, passive aggressive behaviour and lack of self worth.
After living through many continuous cycles, often highlighting these faults in my persona, I decided to delve deeper in to my existence and ask these somewhat simple questions, “Who am I?” and “What really matters to me?” Questions that on the surface seem relatively simple, but for so many are rarely contemplated upon.
I realised I was empty, lacked passion and was following beliefs and patterns that had been passed down to me by other (Negative Masculine Energies) rather than walking my own path. With this knowledge and self realization in hand I decided to go on a journey of self discovery which lead me to “who” I ‘am in the NOW.
Despite there being more self-development and reflection needed (A task that takes a life time). I finally feel I have grown to the point where I can start to build my life from a space that represents who I truly am.
I ‘am a Musician. | I ‘am a Creator. | I ‘am Saving the World | I ‘am a Friend and Light to those in need.

The Mission
To grown and develop my own inner knowing through self reflection.
To create music that allows me to channel and transmute negativity to positivity.
To inspire others by being open about my struggles and challenges in life.
Create Change
To create change and better the world around me with positivity and good energy.
Help Others
To work towards helping others that can benefit from the gifts and talents I’ve be given.
To create content that will help others unlock their highest potential.